Bri At The North Sea

Posted by: Bri

May 23, 2013

This month we spent some days in the north of Germany and also went on excursion to the North Sea. It was Bri's first time at the North Sea. She was overwhelmed by the great location and did not hesitate to take off her clothes - although there were some people around ;) We'd like to invite you to share your enthusiasm for these pics with us! We have some more nice pics of this session - do you want us to share these also here on VW? We are looking forward to your comments and votes! :) Cheers, Bri & Traegicomix

Recent Comments for Bri At The North Sea (68)
  • STILL 100% TRUE IN 2023 : SUPERB - As Bri almost always is/was! I hope Bri is alive, well and happy in 2023!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   From the fabled founding of VoyeurWeb in 1997 through this day in 2023 Bri is one of VoyeurWeb's "all time" Hall of Fame best AND ALSO a self-confident German woman all Germany can be proud of! ABSOLUTELY! I wish that Bri was still participating here, and I hope that she is alive, well and happy in 2023. BRAVA, BRI!
  • She is a darling. She just soars when in front of the camera. Please post more Bri?
  • I always enjoy seeing Bri since she always seems to be enjoying being photographed, especially as the clothes come off.
  • SUPERB - As Bri almost always is/was!  I hope Bri is alive, well and happy in 2018!
  • DAMN  I sure do miss this ;
  • Fantastic Bri as always x
  • Check out my latest contri, which will be published on May 28 ;) Cheers, Bri
  • Thanks for your offer but Connecticut is too far away from where I live :( Cheers, Bri
  • Thanks, Elise, for your nice words and for your superb vote. :) Cheers, Bri
  • Tausend Dank, Torsten, für diese vielen schönen Worte. Lese deinen Kommentar immer und immer wieder. Natürlich werde ich hier noch ganz viele Pics posten! :D LG, Bri
  • An automatic "Superb", every since you shimmied out of your jeans in your first posting. Been a fan every since.
  • Hallo Bri, Du bist einfach die beste hier in VW-Land. Du ziehst Dich ganz aus, zeigst alles und hast richtig Spaß dabei. Obwohl Du alles zeigst, wirkst Du nicht aufdringlich sondern einfach natürlich und unendlich schön. Du denkst bei jeder Serie auch an das Po-pic. Du bist von allen Seiten toll. Und Du bist hemmunglos im positiven Sinne, da Du Dich auch aus nächster Nähe betrachten lässt. Besonders gut ist, daß Du Dich erst ausziehst und nicht schon auf dem ersten Bild gleich voll nackt bist. Ich hoffe, Du postest noch verdammt viele pics hier. Ganz, ganz viele Küsse auf Deinen tollen Körper, Torsten !!! Meister20011001@
  • Bri you are such a natural beauty. Love all your posts. You always get my superb vote. Many kisses!
  • WoooW Bri - "Sirene der Lust" ;) - perfect seduction! Du bist aus jedem Blickwinkel ein Juwel reiner Schönheit und Erotik - einzigartig süßes Lächeln, heiße Bäckcken ;))). Von Bri kann ich nie genug bekommen. - con piacere meeeeeehr. Heisse Küsse für Eure verführerisch, schönen Bilder und danke für die traumhaft neuen Posen - syperb. Schöner kann wahre Lebensfreude nicht aussehen! LG Aesterix.
  • awesome Awesome WOW

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